Youthrive Giving Tree Campaign – May 2023

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We recently launched our 2023 Scholarship Giving Tree Campaign.

This campaign aims to double the number of University and Rural Chances vocational scholarships we provide. We encourage you to support this personally or invite a group of friends, family, colleagues, or community members to band together and provide a three-year university scholarship or multiple vocational scholarships. We have used native plants from our region to highlight how you can directly support young rural Victorians, share their journey and see them thrive.

Our Giving Tree Campaign focuses on the power of community, and we’d love you to gather a group of like-minded people to collectively work together and see another scholar thrive. We have set up a GiveNow Crowdraiser fundraising page that allows you to create your own personalised fundraising page, set goals and encourage others to join you and support your group via email or link. This format allows anyone passionate about Youthrive’s programs to create their own powerful community wherever they are based and keep track of the group’s aspirations to help support young rural Victorians achieve their education and career aspirations.

Youthrive aims to make a difference to the lives and futures of rural young people in Victoria, now and years from now. By supporting a young member of a rural or regional community, we support their community too.

More details about our Giving Tree campaign or how to create your own group can be found at: