Ella’s Adventures at Budget Week – May 2023
One of our Engagement Leaders, Ella Gleeson, was thrilled to be invited to take a trip to Canberra for Budget Week!

Ella is studying a double degree in Politics and Global studies, so she jumped at the chance to get involved.
Of the group of 25 people, Ella was one of two rural people in attendance. They were invited to voice their opinions about challenges facing young rural Victorians, highlighting the importance of young rural people taking opportunities like this to ensure rural and regional voices are at the table.
Ella was excited to have personally met with various Members of Parliament and spoke with Senator Jana Stewart about her role as a Senator and how she works to promote rural voices, being from a regional background.
“As well as meeting all these incredible people, being in Parliament during one of the busiest weeks of the year and going behind the scenes into places that aren’t even accessible to the public, was amazing! There is just something truly magical about the building!” said Ella about the experience.
What advice would she offer other rural and regional students being presented with opportunities to participate? “I encourage you to grab these opportunities that are available to you with both hands! They can take you on the most amazing experiences and adventures, and you never know who you are going to meet or the impact your interactions with others might have!”