Dreams Seeds Updates – 7th Dec, 2022
Our Dream Seeds team had a successful trip delivering programs in North Central Victoria including the Buloke and Loddon Shires with visits to Pyramid Hill, Boort, Wycheproof, Sea Lake and Charlton.

Thanks to North Central LLEN for funding the trip and for facilitating connections with schools. This positive partnership has been running for the past three years.
Youthrive alumni run Dream Seeds workshops and help build aspiration, resilience and connections. We present 90 minute workshops teaching students about values, the importance and power of community and team work, making decisions, and setting goals. We aim to provide connections and opportunities for rural students leaving primary school, to better prepare them for secondary school and the challenges they may face.
All of our workshops are presented by post-secondary students who are studying at TAFE or University, undertaking an apprenticeship or working – and all presenters grew up in a rural area.
Contact us at info@dreamseeds.org.au if you would like the Dream Seeds team to visit your school – we look forward to presenting our program again in 2023!