Cassandra grew up in Manangatang. She has been involved in many Youthrive initiatives including, coaching, developing and managing several of our Young Rural Leaders programs, mentoring, contributing to alumni events and she is on the 2023 Alumni Committee.
Cassandra was the first in her family to go to university and has a Bachelor of Human Services and Masters of Social Work from Latrobe University Bundoora. She currently works as the Assistant Director of Clinical Operations with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Cassandra is a passionate advocate for rural communities, young people and good mental health.
Jessie grew up on a farm in Avenel and has deep ties to her hometown and to others within the Youthrive Alumni. She has been involved with the organisation at a range of levels as a participant, coach, program manager, Dream Seeds® presenter and occasional graphic designer. Although she is currently based in Melbourne, Jessie looks forward to advocating for young rural people and exploring ways to ensure the longevity and continued success of Youthrive.
Jessie currently works as a user experience designer at Prosper Digital – focusing on developing viable UX solutions for businesses and advocating for end users. She has a passion for problem-solving, creative thinking, disruption for good and adventure.