Rural Youth Network: Connecting Young Rural Victorians
We are very excited that our new Rural Youth Network website is now in its final stages of development. The Rural Youth Network aims to build a new type of community where the best of local rural and regional communities can be blended with the best of online opportunities.
Over 2020, the first version of The Rural Youth Network was established to assist young people to stay connected through the COVID pandemic. Reflecting on this experience and seeing the incredible benefits of adapting and being able to continue some of our programs and supports online, it was decided to invest in a bigger and better version of The Rural Youth Network.
Scheduled for launch in late-June, the Rural Youth Network will allow young people to:
Make connections by meeting and sharing experiences with a diverse group of youth in Victoria through a connector map;
Join groups that enable youth to communicate online with young people who share common interests to discuss, learn and create meaningful social connections;
Find events across Victoria that are relevant to young people’s social well-being, resilience, and skill development; and
Discover opportunities for volunteering and personal development that will allow young people to build leadership and professional skills.
We are keen for all young rural Victorians to use the Rural Youth Network. We are also interested in local communities using it to publicise youth base activities and opportunities. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like further information.
Go to to register your interest. You will be notified as soon as the site is live.