Resilient Young Rural Leaders

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Youthrive Victoria pivots as the Young Rural Leaders Program goes online for the first time…

Led by our skilled and thoughtful Program Manager Hannah Humphries and her coaching team, we have developed our leadership program into a fun, interactive and valuable online experience, capturing the unique essence of our six-day residential leadership program (designed by and for young rural Victorians) and bringing it to life online.

In this exciting new iteration, we continue building upon our alumni’s substantial array of leadership skills and our extensive network of young leaders in rural and regional Victoria. Working in a virtual environment is providing some great opportunities to think differently about activities while retaining some of our best approaches such as groups working together to solve problems and having in depth conversations about a range of issues.

Supported by our team of coaches, 27 participants aged 18-22 have embarked upon our current Young Rural Leaders program. Across seven interactive Zoom sessions they are exploring our three pillars of sustainable me, sustainable community and sustainable environment. Our young leaders participate in a series of tasks, challenges and reflections exploring concepts of well-being, leadership styles, community development, intergenerational connection, environmental leadership and value-aligned action.

Our online leadership program continues until the 5 October, with the opportunity for all participants to strengthen connections through further Zoom check-in sessions, until we hope to come together in-person in early December to consolidate our online learning and celebrate and appreciate being together.

We are excited to be able to provide this unique leadership opportunity to young people from all over Victoria. COVID-19 has brought challenges and created interesting opportunities for us to rethink the way we work and engage with each other, and inspiringly it has brought a whole new group of amazing young rural leaders together who, through their incredible insights and talents, continue to shine a light on our collective way forward.