Introducing our Alumni – Julia Clugston
My name is Julia Clugston and I was fortunate to receive the Chris and Marli Tilley Scholarship in 2019. This scholarship was what I needed to help make my decision about University. I was a little unsteady after the release of the ATAR and without the support of Youthrive Victoria I wouldn’t be where I am.
I am from Stawell in the Grampians and have grown up my whole life on a wattle seed farm (unusual, I know). I have always loved where I lived with a stunning view and fresh air but was looking forward to moving to the city for University. I am now studying in Hawthorn, Melbourne at Swinburne University of Technology. I am studying a Bachelor of Arts and majoring in Journalism and Professional Writing and Editing. I have so far loved my experience here and wouldn’t change anything for the world.
The support and chances from Youthrive Victoria have allowed me to find more Journalism opportunities. This year I have been involved in helping advertise the Rural Chances Scholarship by travelling around Victoria interviewing young rural Victorians who have received the scholarship previously to find out more about them and what they are doing now. This experience was a great time and I enjoyed finding out more about various people and also the country upon which we live (because I saw so much of it). The opportunities that Youthrive Victoria give to so many rural Victorians is an incredible effort and every chance should be taken.