Alumni Roundup – September 2019
The Youthrive Victoria Alumni has had a busy few months with five social events attended by a total of 94 people, including one state-wide road trip, a Welcome Dinner and a Fast 5 Leadership event. They are also looking forward to the upcoming Annual Ball in October in Creswick!
The Alumni group has contributed over 1200 volunteer hours this year already – what an amazing effort! Alumni members have been engaged in coaching on the Young Rural Leaders program, mentoring, facilitating Dream Seeds® workshops and working on grant applications, projects and administration. A small group has also been developing a new mentoring initiative, Branch Out mentoring. A huge thank you to everyone involved.
This year has seen the creation of profiles on the Alumni Facebook group featuring some alumni members as ‘local legends’. These profiles highlight the ways in which our alumni community is engaging with their wider communities, and help connect alumni across different years and groups, and encourage participation in positive change in our communities. There are more leadership-based events being planned and the upcoming election of the 2019/2020 Committee.
Many thanks to Alumni President, Rebecca Postlethwaite, who will be moving overseas for 12 months. In the meantime, Caitlin Allman, will take over as interim President. Welcome to Caitlin!